Domino Effectz

written words attack in a unexpected language
talkin’ ’bout something someone called it love¿

i don’t know – tickin’ tick tick – a clock like
thoughtz – a drive by like

kick a domino stone – itz gonna click click click
fallin’ + fallin’ – soundz like a train in higher levelz

water changes to fire – and fire to ice


spoken like a mad man – encrypt the cryptic wordz

no riddle – no fun – loose a nite – no sleep today
hunt my mind to understand my wordz

check up your heart to know whatz going on

i’ll wait for the fallin’ domino but i ain’t have no masterplan

i keep going on writing wordz on paper to kill the time
until we meet again

countin’ dayz
nineteen : eighteen : seventeen : + so on…

whatz gonna happen¿
not to know now is harder than i imagined

letter crossed the land from here to somewhere
+ from somewhere to here

hangin’ up the phone each nite goin’ to dreamlandz
with a voice in the head – is it your voice¿

wakin’ up each mornin’ can’t wait to come back home
to make a call or to check up my machine
you know what i mean¿

you said no love will come
but you did’t understand my writing hand

i ain’t write ’bout love or something else
just ’bout temporary items in my head

i just have seen you twice
so i don’t know what’s gonna happen a day we’ll
meet again
so i don’t expect something you never promised

letz see…

we have a distance to long to walk
we have a past we ain’t not know

so we can’t see the comin’ dayz

letz wait and see the fallin’ dominoz
and don’t make your head smoke
without a reason